An excellent application that combines a huge number of words, updated daily and lots of sentencesEn...
An excellent application that combines a huge number of words, updated daily and lots of sentencesEnglish languageFirst: Learn about word stressLearn to SpeakIt is not possible to understand certain words in all languages, but rather to speak intelligently and understand these languages.They are the best ways to understand the speakers of ones own language.For example:photograph, photographer, photographicهل نطقهآ متشآپه?In other words, the various meanings and meanings of the word in the pen are in the emphasis on certain words in the whole word, since the whole word of the universe contains two or more syllables, and some of these words are pronounced in the pronouns, which we emphasize more than others.پآلنسپة للمثل آلسآپق آلحروف آللي پأگتپهآ پآلگآپيتل ليتر is offline آللي پنشدد عليهآPHOtographphoTOgrapherphotoGRAPHicI mean, to pronounce the pronunciation of the words of the ummah, we know that the words in all the words are the ones we emphasize, and we know the verses of the Quran, and all of them are short, but they are divided into verses.عآدة يوضح آلقآموس مقآطع آلگلمآت وگيفية نطقهآ وآلمطلوپ منآ آلآن إننآ نحآول Similar Threads Thread Thread Starter Forum Replies Last Post All times are GMT +3.The first step is to hear and recognize the correct pronunciation of a word we can pronounce like the words of its people.Password FAQ Members List Calendar Mark Forums Read إليگم هذآ آلرآپط: Stress: Sentence StressIt is hard to handleIt is a mechanism for understanding the language of English and speaking.How do you feel the tightness of your nails?We are more aware of the importance of some of the ingredients in the whole universe than the other components.Automated components:We want to goDo we read every word in this phoneme as a phonetic force?لآ, إنمآ نقرأ آلگلمآت آلمهمة پصوت is higher than all other tools.پآلنسپة للمثل آلگلمآت آلمهمة فيه نعرفهآ حسپ معنى آلملةملة which is: want / goIn these words, you will read a higher sound:We WANT to GOWe WANT to GO to WORKWe DON T WANT to GO to WORKWe DON T WANT to GO to WORK at NIGHTOf all things we explain everything about stress in all of them.It is important to know how to improve the English language.آلسر آلثثل: Listen! Listen! Listen!Listen ! Listen ! Listen !I do not listen to the BBC on the radio because they talk fast and I can not understand what they say.They are talking about speed and understanding for a few of them.How do you develop and you do not listen and not Ttdrp?نت نت نت نت تفهم?????????? عندمآ گآن عمرگ ثلآثة أسآپيع أو شهرآن أو حتى سنة وأحدة هل جنت تفهم گل شيء?آل آل آل لآ,,,,,,,................In the past, you learned the language of the Arabic language and created it for 24 hours in a day and a thousand days, so I learned how to speak and then learned how to read and finally learn how to write.* لگن آلآستمآع آءآء أولآ